After 25 years of UCMUN conferences, we are excited to announce that we will host a Press Corps Committee this year.
This committee will run very differently from the other committees. Instead of discussions and debate, delegates will start each session off with a debrief where they will receive an assignment for each committee session. Delegates could be tasked to report breaking news, write articles, and op-eds, interview delegates, or run stories on social media accounts. Research for this committee will include the background of your assigned news outlet (how many departments they have, what types or articles they are known for, etc) and background on each topic in the other committees. This knowledge of committee topics doesn't have to be extensive, but should be enough that delegates can broadly understand what is happening in the committee they are reporting on. Delegates are encouraged to write out notes for the committees so they can refer back to them during the conference.
The position papers for this committee will be different from those for a typical committee. Your research will include the background of your news outlet, and the goals they focus on. Delegates should also include interview methods, writing methods, and strategies they will employ in their process of representing their news outlet.
We are super excited to venture out and try something new, and we hope that the delegates are just as excited. If you have any questions do not be afraid to reach out to Director-General Jack at director-general@ucmun.com or Social Media Coordinator James at exec@ucmun.com.
The Press Corps is a new committee where delegates can get first-hand experience in journalism and reporting on global issues. Delegates will represent a national or international news organization (NY Times, Associated Press , etc.), and will collaborate with fellow reporters to draft articles, press releases, and op-eds detailing committee events in the tone and style of their respective news source. Throughout the conference, delegates will be able to conduct interviews, investigate breaking news stories, and use critical thinking skills to apply their reporting to their writing. This committee is an excellent opportunity for delegates to observe delegation proceedings as well as explore the intersection between journalism and international affairs.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how different news organizations and outlets employ various journalistic techniques
Produce news publications reflective of the stylistic nuances associated with the assigned media outlet
Interact with various delegates and committees at-large
Develop interview skills and learn how to ask compelling, pertinent questions
Gain an understanding of how current events can be translated into structured writing
Collaborate with other reporters to successfully craft news articles
Translate breaking news into ‘tweets’ and other fast-paced methods of informational conveyance
Hannah Brocksmith, Director
Meet your Director!
Hannah is a communications major, with a minor in spanish, hoping to pursue a career in public relations for a non-profit social justice organization. This will be her second UCMUN conference working on the press corps, and she has previously participated as a delegate at the HMUN conference in Boston. Outside of UCMUN, Hannah is a member of the Human Rights and Action Learning Community, as well as on the communications council for the learning community program. Hannah is a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, and is a community outreach officer for the husky ambassador program. Hannah enjoys traveling, playing tennis, hanging out with friends, and just being social and meeting new people in general. She is excited for the conference this year and looks forward to creating new memories. Feel free to connect with any questions at hannah.brocksmith@uconn.edu